






Now opens up the avenues to a fabulous journey of one of the most prestigious boy's college that has proven its existence and expertise in moulding the Mauritian civilisation for almost 4 decades. The vision is to provide the best quality education to our young people with a clear goal of producing the right citizen of tomorrow fitting in an ever-changing society, contributing towards building the nation.


  "Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom...The essence of intelligence is skill in     extracting meaning from everyday experience... "

    Imperial College has always been in the forefront of educational development, adapting as quickly as     possible to changes occurring in the field of education while at times being the initiator itself. Imperial      College was one of the pioneers towards the introduction of IT in schools. Information Technology (IT)   - modern means of communication - have always been our main preoccupation. Thus, it is all natural     that Imperial College links itself to the INTERNET family and operates its own website. The main aim     guiding this initiative is just adding an additional route towards the emancipation of communication in the interest of both the institution and our visitors.





Imperial college was founded by Mr. N.Varma with one class of Form 1 students.


Mr. R.Boodhoo took over Imperial College with 60 students, 5 classrooms and 5 teachers. The subjects being taught were: English, English Literature, French, French Literature, Mathematics, Chemistry, Health Science, Religious Knowledge, History and physical Education.


Hardly had Mr. R.Boodhoo taken over the college that two students topped at the 1967 Cambridge School Certificate Examination with a division one namely, C.P.Lucknauth and K.C.Sew Ghung Hong. 4 students scored a division 2 and 29 students scored a division 3.



In that year, 4 students scored a division 1, namely: M. Auckburally, L.Seewoonath, J. Boodhun and R. Sooknah. 4 students scored a division 2 and 29 scored a division 3. First Annual Athletics meeting was also held during this year.


The following subjects were then being taught at the school – Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, English literature, French, French literature, Mathematics, Geogra, Health Science, Religious Knowledge, History and Physical Education at the S.C Examination. Only one student scored a division 1 that year, 13 came out with a division 2 and 22 with a division 3.

The first School magazine was also issued.

The second Annual Athletics meeting was held at king Georges V stadium.

The school also participated in the Plaine Wilhems collegiate sports federation with the following results:
  • Imperial College v/s Curepipe College 7 – 0
  • Imperial College v/s Queen’s College 10 – 1
  • Imperial College v/s Eden College 6 – 1
  • Imperial College v/s College du Ville Soeurs 10 – 1
  • Imperial College v/s Presidency College 1 – 1
  • Imperial College v/s Dhanjee College 2 – 3



New projects were implemented and HSC classes were introduced.


Mr. R.Boodhoo became the proprietor of the school premises . The construction of the new block started and new subjects such as Economics, Commerce, Principles of Accounts and New Mathematics were introduced. Brillant results were again received: two students came out with a division 1, 10 with a division 2 and 22 with a division 3.


The first phase of the new block was completed with the addition of 4 new classes. The third School magazine was also issued.


The second phase of the new block was completed with the addition of 8 new classes and a spacious and modern library.

1979 - 1980

The third phase of the new block ws completed with the first and second floors fully operational.

1981 - 1985

The overall school development was on the way and satisfactory examination results were obtained by the students. The number of students was increasing each year, thus showing the popularity of the school in the Plaines Wilhems district.


Imperial College was one among the first colleges to introduce the teaching of Computer Studies as a subject at SC level.


An Imperial college student topped the list in Computer Studies examination at SC level.


The school population reached 2303 and new subjects such as Management, Business Studies, Sociology, Integrated Science, Social Studies, Commercial Studies were introduced in the school curriculum.


Computing as a subject for HSC level was introduced.


A multi-purpose gymnasium was constructed and 20 new classes in the new wing.


The Imperial College Charity Club was founded.

The Imperial College Economic and Business Society was set up. It regularly publishes a journal. Travel And Tourism was introduced in Jan 2006 at form 4 level and in 2008 our first batch of students sat for the A level. The results were so astonishing to other colleges and they started to include this subject in their curriculum.

Environmental Management was also introduced within the same year and brought its whole lot of pleasant surprises.

2007 - 2008

The surface area of the building is approximately 40 000 square feet over a land area of 2.25 acres. It consists of 51 classrooms, 2 libraries, 2 computer rooms, an audio visual room, 3 laboratories, a music room, an art room, a design and technology room, a gymnasium, a tennis court, a football ground, 4 volley ball pitches, a basket ball pitch and a garden corner. The new building accommodates 20 new classes.


The subject Law was introduced in Jan 2010 at lower 6 level and the first batch took part in the HSC exams in 2011.


Marine Science was introduced at lower 6 level and the first batch of students was prepared for HSC in 2012.

2013 - 2014

Addition of a third floor comprising of 3 computer rooms, 2 studios for Design And Technology Department, 1 Visual Arts room, the Biology lab and 5 brand new staff rooms.


Imperial College celebrated its 50 years. Several activities took place 1st week of June 2016.


  • Introduction of Enterprise at Form 4 – GRADE 10
  • Hosted 1st Regional Round World Scholar’s Cup in April 2017. 4 Students were qualified for Global Round in Cape Town in July 2017. The same students were qualified for Tournament of Champion New Haven (USA) in November 2017.

  • 2018

    2nd Regional Round World Scholar’s Cup held on 10th & 11th April 2018. 7 Students took part in the Global Round - Barcelona in July 2018


  • Introduction of Spanish Language in Grade 7.

  • 2021 - 2022

  • Re-introduction of English Literature and French Literature in Grade 10.

  • 2023

  • Re-introduction of Environmental Management at AS Level in Grade 12.



    At the far end of the Boulevard Victoria Avenue, at Forest Side, in the district of Plaines Wilhems lies Imperial College over a well-fenced land area of 2.25 acres. It has one large main gate which is always under the supervision of the gateman. The security and well-being of both the students and the teaching and non teaching staff is one of the vital features of this institution. The surface area of the building is 2485 square metres.


    School Building




    Senior Library


    Junior Library


    Computer Room 1


    Computer Room 2


    Computer Room 3


    Biology Lab


    Chemistry Lab


    Physics Lab


    Design Room


    Art Room (A)



    Contact Us

    Contact Us

    Imperial College
    16,Boulevard Victoria

    (230) 676-1617



    School Calendar

    1st Term

    • Friday 10th January 2025 - Friday 11th April 2025

    2nd Term

    • Monday 28th April 2025 - Friday 18th July 2025

    3rd Term

    • Monday 11th August 2025 - Friday 31st October 2025


    1st Term Exams

    2nd Term Exams

    3rd Term Exams


    A wide variety of subjects is offered, thus moulding the pupils to face the realities of life.

    Option For Grade 10

    In making your choice, Responsible Party and student must consult each other and decide.

    To opt for Computer and Additional Mathematics, students must have scored at least 50 Marks in the subject in Grade 9 Annual Marks.

    You are hereby informed that an option will be offered if there are at least 40 demands for that particular subject.

    To be entered for full School Certificate after Grade 10 examinations, candidates must score at least five credits including English Language and one pass.

    Those who do not satisfy the conditions mentioned below, may, if they wish, opt for the General Certificate of Education (GCE) in only 5 subjects.

    Subject Options

    Options Form

    The following subjects are offered at SC level:


    Resized JPEG graphic


    Resized JPEG graphic



    Resized JPEG graphic


    ≫ French

    ≫ Mathematics

    ≫ Physical Education

    ≫ Biology

    ≫ Marine Science

    Students opting for a subject at PRINCIPAL LEVEL cannot choose the same at SUBSIDIARY LEVEL.

    Only five subjects can be opted for two at SUBSIDIARY LEVEL and three at PRINCIPAL LEVEL.



    Imperial College, as an educational institution, offers a wide variety of subjects varying from Science to Economics and Physical Education, thus moulding the pupils to face the realities of life. To achieve its goal, it has invested massively in the necessary infrastructure, the latest of which is a modern and an up-to-date gymnasium. The work is carried out by a dynamic Rector and a team of experienced and dedicated teachers grouped under different departments.

    Computer Science Department

    • Mr O. St Flour (Head of Department)
    • Mr H. Beessessur
    • Mrs M. Ramautar
    • Ms S. Savurimuthu
    • Mr S. Ragaven

    We are now living in a Digital Age. Computer science has become an integral part in students’ life. As educators, we all want our students to be critical thinkers. Computer science helps to develop problem-solving and communication skills. At the same time, it helps get students thinking outside the box. When they do coding, it is like a whole new language, which definitely encourages processing skills. Equipped with three fully operational computer rooms, a dedicated and resourceful team of teachers, the department is constantly giving a helping hand to all the current computing issues for the betterment of the students and the institution.

    Visual Art Department

    • Mrs R. Moloo (Head of Department)
    • Mrs K. Jhurree
    • Mr D. Saypermal
    • Ms E. Radegonde
    • Ms S. Chavrimootoo

    "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" Pablo Picasso

    The Art Department at Imperial College gives students the opportunity to learn in, through and about Art and Design practice including art, craft and design. The Department caters for the 21st century learner while motivating them to explore ideas and art forms which can extend and challenge art-making. Students should now engage themselves with artwork made by others and make their own artworks, drawing on their developing knowledge, skills and understanding. The department also encourages students towards design thinking process, consisting of experimentation and production of an artwork that calls for logical, critical and aesthetic consideration. Students learn to reflect critically on their own experiences and respond to the works of artists. They hence, develop their own arts knowledge and learn to express and communicate experiences through and about Art and Design.

    Design and Technology Department

    • Mr S. Sooklall (Head of Department)
    • Mr N. Soodin
    • Mr F. Massoudy

    Design and technology began since mankind carved out the first tool for his very own survival. Starting from sticks and flint, Design and Technology has now taken us into the digital and space age. This department consists of six educators having engineering and designing background. The teachers are dedicated and hardworking to promote the same goal of shaping the students vision of the world they perceive and hence making them future sustainable designers or engineers.

    English Department

    • Ms J. Mathiah-Pydiah (Head of Department)
    • Mrs K. Domun-Luchmun
    • Mrs D. Bheergoonath
    • Ms Z. Chummun
    • Mrs S. Musay-Hari Ram
    • Ms M. Nuckchady
    • Ms L. Mudun
    • Ms K. Boodram
    • Mrs N. Jaulim-Casmally(Mentor - Grade 8)
    • Mrs Saulick

    “Vitae Non Scholae Discendum”
    In our contemporary and ever changing world where the English language is taking on more prominence, the aim of the Imperial English department is to cater for the four aspects of language-reading, writing, listening and speaking, so as to prepare our students not only for their exams but also for their professional career and future life. We also organise and accompany our learners in various extracurricular activities in a bid to encourage their personal development and enhance their capacities.

    French Department

    • Ms Y. Seydial (Head of Department)
    • Mrs N. Goornaden (Section Leader - Grade 13)
    • Ms A. Toofany
    • Mrs N. Seetaloo
    • Mrs T. Mooraby-SK Heerah
    • Mrs M. Rugbeer
    • Mrs B. Ramnauth
    • Ms S. Thomas
    • Mrs A. Hurril-Ramgolam
    • Ms C. Towsee (Section Leader - Grade 7)
    • Mr R. Balisson
    • Ms I. Doorgah
    • Ms M.J. Jacquin
    • Mrs D. Seereekissoon-Balgobin (Mentor Grade 9)
    • Ms S. Hassoo (Mentor Grade 7 Foundation)

    «Jouer avec et sur les mots, c'est un peu beaucoup jouer à cache-cache avec notre belle langue française.»(Jacques Caron).

    Le but principal du département de français est de contribuer largement à la réussite des apprenants. Il procure non seulement une pédagogie cognitive au niveau académique mais aussi organise des activités extrascolaires à travers des exercices ludiques. En somme, tout est là pour faciliter l’apprentissage de l’apprenant pour l’aider à construire un bel avenir.

    Mathematics Department

    • Mr S. Sunnassee (Deputy Rector)
    • Mr M. Kadell (Head of Department)
    • Mrs R. Paupiah
    • Mr K. Murden (Section Leader - Grade 8)
    • Mrs P. Ramasawmy
    • Mrs B. Gangaram
    • Mr K. Haulkhory
    • Mrs T. Baluckram
    • Mrs M. Mahomed Hossen-Kheerdali
    • Mr D. Gaunpot
    • Ms D. Cheetamun
    • Mrs N. Mohun

    The Imperial College Mathematics Department consists of a dedicated team of experienced teachers. We are constantly seeking innovative and creative ways to develop our learners skills. We try to instil confidence in learners and provide enjoyment in the learning process. Keeping in mind that Mathematics will help them in their further studies, we also use imaginative and new technologies to further develop their capacities in mathematics and related discipline.

    Science Department

    Science teaches us an understanding of natural phenomena. It aims to stimulate our natural curiosity. It teaches methods of enquiry and investigation to promote creative thoughts. Science will certainly affect our future on a personal, national and global level. This field is divided into Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

    >> Chemistry Department

    • Mrs M. B. Ishri (Head of Department)
    • Mr Y. Cauleechurn (Deputy Rector)
    • Mrs P. Ramcharun-Haulkhory
    • Ms M. Pem
    • Ms O. Bhakarreea

    The expert in anything was once a beginner
    Reaction means chemistry
    No reaction is also chemistry
    The more effective way to enjoy, it is to do it

    What is Chemistry?

    Chemistry is the branch of science that studies the properties of matter and how matter interacts with energy. Chemistry is everywhere in the world around you! It’s in the food you eat, clothes you wear, water you drink, medicines, air, cleaners, and many others. Chemistry sometimes is called the “central science” because it connects other sciences to each other, such as biology, Physics, and environmental science. Chemistry helps you to understand the world around you.

    Why do leaves change color in the fall?
    Why are plants green?
    How is cheese made?
    What is in soap and how does it clean?
    Or even what are the positive and negative effects of the ingredients found in your packet of snack?

    Learning chemistry is fun! At the Imperial college we have a well-equipped laboratory where experiments are conducted to help our students engage in chemistry and develop a better understanding of the topics they learn in theory. In addition to that, students are continuously encouraged to work on chemistry projects which they present in our science fair exhibitions or even open days which are open to parents as well.


    >> Physics Department

    • Mr M. K. Raghoober (Head of Department)
    • Mr Y. Naika
    • Mrs N. Jugnarain-Bagojee
    • Mrs Y. Mungra Ittea

    Physics is a fundamental science and its main goal is to understand the behaviour of the physical world around us. It is a versatile subject which intersects with many interdisciplinary areas and its boundaries cannot be rigidly defined. It covers a wide range of phenomena from elementary particles to the galaxies in space.

    The Physics department at Imperial College has a fully equipped laboratory which allows students to experimentally test the theories they have learnt such as matter, energy, motion and force. They are able to organise and formulate experimental results leading to valid conclusions. The study of Physics allows students to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills. Physics students can complete their further studies in a wide range of fields such as engineering and medicine leading to interesting job prospects.

    >> Biology and Marine Science Department

    • Mr G. Poonet (Head of Department-Marine Science)
    • Mrs G. C. Gokulsing-Surrun (Head of Department- Biology)
    • Ms Z. Jawaheer (Section Leader - Grade 12)
    • Mr A. Erriah
    • Mr Mowlabacus
    • Ms S. Yadallee

    Life is beautiful! From atoms to cells, from genes to proteins, from populations to ecosystems, Biology is the study of the fascinating and intricate systems that make life possible. Having a fundamental understanding of Biology will provide you with the necessary skills needed to succeed in life and is a great investment to your future career. Biology lays foundation of important disciplines like Zoology, Ecology, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Biomedical Research, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Hematology, Oncology, Aerobiology, among others. The oceans are part of the thin, outer shell of the Earth and marine science is the study of this envelope, from the deep sea to shallow coastal oceans: their Biology, Chemistry, Geology and Physics together make marine science a richly inter-disciplinary science.

    Environmental Management Department

    • Mrs G. C. Gokulsing-Surrun (Head of Department- Biology)

    Environmental Management is the academic field that takes physical, biological and chemical sciences to study the environment and discover solutions to environmental problems. Environmental management is important to save our world from destruction. Today, there are more calamities experienced such as flash floods, hurricanes and draughts and climate change. We need to study the environment and the sciences applied into it to find solutions to different environmental issues so that future generation will still enjoy a healthy and productive environment.

    Travel and Tourism Department

    • Mr M. Dhondee (Head of Department)
    • Mrs B. Gunputh-Moothoosamy

    Tourism has developed into one of the most expansive industries in Mauritius in the new era of development. Imperial college has therefore been one of the first secondary school in Mauritius to introduce Travel and Tourism as subject in Mauritius in 2007 to give more opportunity to its students to embrace their career in the tourism known for the different job prospects. It is a dynamic and multidisciplinary subject.

    Grade 13 students have to organize and manage a real travel and tourism event. It gives them the opportunity to deal effectively in team and develop themselves through interpersonal skills. They are taught how to prepare business plan, producing marketing materials, develop a range of different questionnaires and surveys in order to capture visitors’ views, allowing them to analyse the customer satisfaction results.

    Business Studies Department

    • Mr N. Busjeet (Head of Department)
    • Mr V.R.Boodhoo
    • Mr M. Lallbeeharry
    • Mr D. Seeburrun (Section Leader - Grade 9)
    • Mr K. Narsoo (Section Leader - Grade 11)
    • Ms S. Jambocus

    Business studies enables learners to understand and appreciate the nature and scope of business, and the role it plays in society. Business covers economic, environmental, ethical, governmental, legal, social and technological issues, and encourages a critical understanding of organisations, the markets they serve and the process of adding value. Learners examine the management of organisations and, in particular, the process of decision-making in a dynamic external environment.

    Accounting Department

    • Mr A. Bagha (Head of Department)
    • Mr R. Manohur (Section Leader - Grade 10)
    • Mr R. Jugmohun
    • Mr R. Rohee

    Accounting helps students to develop knowledge and understanding of the purposes of accounting and apply this to a variety of accounting problems. It enables learners to apply their accounting knowledge and understanding in order to analyse and present information, give reasoned explanations, and make judgements and recommendations. It also covers topics such as the recording of financial information, accounting principles and control systems, and the preparation of final accounts for a variety of different organisations and businesses. Learners find out about raising capital by shares and loans, ratio analysis and cost accounting, and also study the preparation of cash flow statements, cash flow analysis, and standard costing and investment appraisal. Accounting prepares students for ACCA and any accounting degrees at tertiary level.

    Economics Department

    • Mrs U. Moongah-Heeramun (Head of Department)
    • Mr K. Narsoo (Section Leader - Grade 11)
    • Mrs U.D. Luchmun-Pursun
    • Mrs S. Balluck Moolye
    • Ms S. Goonoo

    Economics as a subject is Omni present in our day to day life and is the order of the day. The history of economic thought deals with different thinkers and theories. It a subject that is taught with all passion and dedication at Imperial College with dynamic and experience team.

    Economics existed in the stone age and is still going strong paving the way and future of people and nations.It is the study of the heritage left by the writers on economic subjects which the new generation should adapt and develop further.

    Economic ideas shall be the instrumental in shaping the economic and political policies of our island.

    Social Science Department

    • Mrs V. R Codoychurn (Head of Department)
    • Mrs A. Tiwari
    • Mrs A. Mohadeb
    • Mrs H. Appiah
    • Ms S. Caulachand
    • Mrs V.K Ramlugun
    • Mr Y. Mooroteea

    The Social Studies department is one which encompasses the three fields of Geogra, History and Sociology which help to better understand our environment. We are a group of experienced teachers committed to instill an appreciation of History and foster the necessary knowledge to our students. As from Grade 10, Sociology becomes a subject that goes beyond the academic realm as students become more aware and explore the mechanics of the society and life around them, while at the same time gaining such knowledge so as to make them better human beings.

    Commerce Department

    • Mr N. Peeraye (Senior Educator)

    Commerce helps students to develop their knowledge and understanding of the purposes and functions of important commercial activities and commercial institutions. It also shows how commercial activities are affected by changes in the commercial environment. Results in Commerce shown an upward trend with several distinctions and overall performance reaching up to 96% in 2017. Each year Commerce students makes Imperial College proud as they are listed among the ten best results in Mauritius.

    Enterprise Department

    • Mr N. Peeraye (Senior Educator)
    • Mrs A. Tiwari
    • Mr K. Narsoo (Section Leader - Grade 11)
    • Mr M. Lallbeeharry
    • Mr D. Seeburrun (Section Leader - Grade 9)
    • Mrs V.K Ramlugun

    In the context of this fast changing global world where business making is taking more and more precedence, it is becoming increasingly evident that students must equip themselves as early as possible so as to increase their knowledge in this field. The government of Mauritius is laying much emphasis on Entrepreneurs where the need to have indigenous entrepreneurs is fundamental. At Imperial College, the management of the school has decided to introduce a new subject which is Enterprise. In line with the traditions and avant-gardist culture of the school, this subject is meant to foster the spirit of enterprise in the students. The aim is to develop the understanding and practical skills associated with the working environment and running of small enterprises. As always, with a view on the future, this subject is meant to prepare the students for the world of work; which starts by hard work, discipline, right attitudes, punctuality, creativity, perseverance and other skills which are vital attributes related to this field. We hope to receive full support and co-operation from all the stakeholders more importantly from parents.

    Physical Education Department

    • Mr R. Gangoo
    • Mr A. Luckah
    • Mr O. Natchou
    • Mr L. Savriacouty
    • Mr D. Rolfo

    Physical Education is a sequential, developmentally appropriate educational programme that provides students with the knowledge, skills, fitness and attitudes necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is that integral part of total education which contributes to the development of the individual through Physical activity or human movement. Mens sana in corpore sano, that is, having a healthy mind in a healthy body, is our ultimate goal in Physical Education. It plays a vital role in preparing students to become fully fit, productive citizens, contributing to the well -being of the nation.

    Food and Textile Studies Department

    • Mrs G. Ramlugun-Soobrah (Head of Department)
    • Mrs A. Bhikoo-Nuckchady

    Food and Textile Studies is a multidisciplinary subject focusing on building specific knowledge, skills and attitudes for the well being of individuals, families and communities. It combines theory with practice to develop understanding, reasoning and problem solving skills to the needs of 21st century learning and hence empowering students to be responsible, proactive and successful.

    Law Department

    • Mr U. Khoosy

    Law was introduced at the Imperial College in 2010. Since then, our grade 12 and 13 students are coached, trained and prepared for the Cambridge International AS and A Level Law Exams. The aim of the subject is to provide learners with an introduction to the main principles of the law as it is practised in England and Wales. As a result, learners build their knowledge and understanding of the English legal system, and develop a critical awareness of its structure, personnel and operation. The syllabus also focuses on two areas of substantive law (contract and tort), and encourages learners to develop skills of analysis and problem-solving through the application of legal rules.

    Spanish Department

    • Ms E. Radegonde
    • Ms D. Bheeroo

    Language acquisition is very crucial in today’s society in order to forge a better tomorrow and open new doors of the future.

    The increasing importance of foreign languages in various professional fields requires the develop-ment of educational programs for the acquisition of communicative skills. In this context, the Spanish language plays a major role.

    Imperial college has initially introduced Spanish language in 2019 in Grade 7, which is a compulsory part of the school curriculum.

    Spanish is spoken in some 79 countries and is the second most spoken language in the world with 572 million people.

    « La pluma es la lengua del alma. » Miguel de Cervantes

    Don Quijote (Published in 1605)

    Performing Arts (Drama) Department

    • Mrs N. Ramkorun
    • Mrs A. Leckraz

    Performing Arts range from Vocal and Instrumental Music, Dance and Theatre. They include numerous cultural expressions that reflect human creativity.

    Dramatic Arts education is an important means of stimulating creativity in problem solving. It can provide students an outlet for emotions, thought and dreams that they might not otherwise have means to express. Drama is an important tool to prepare student to live and work in a world that is increasingly Team oriented rather than hierarchical.



    Year Number of Candidates Number of Passes % of Passes
    2007 205 197 96.10
    2008 155 143 92.25
    2009 171 164 95.90
    2010 190 174 91.60
    2011 173 166 95.95
    2012 156 152 97.44
    2013 168 157 93.50
    2014 180 167 92.80
    2015 208 185 88.94
    2016 176 159 90.34
    2017 148 126 85.14
    2018 162 151 93.21
    2019 181 163 90.06
    2020/2021 169 166 98.22
    2022 130 125 96.15
    2023 167 155 92.81
    2024 197 187 94.92

    Year Number of Candidates Number of Passes % of Passes
    2007 71 61 85.92
    2008 105 99 94.29
    2009 100 94 94.00
    2010 90 84 93.88
    2011 98 88 89.79
    2012 108 98 90.74
    2013 109 96 88.10
    2014 95 82 86.30
    2015 100 84 84.00
    2016 88 67 76.14
    2017 115 92 80.00
    2018 110 98 89.09
    2019 82 66 80.49
    2020/2021 87 75 86.21
    2022 51 50 98.04
    2023 96 82 85.42
    2024 67 54 80.60


    For almost four decades, this prestigious institution of the Plaine Wilhems district has been dispensing education to the Mauritian youth and to those who have believed in its ideals.

    During the month of August 2006, a meeting was held at the gymnasium of the college in the presence of the Manager, Mr R.Boodhoo, and the Rector, Mr Vikash Boodhoo, where almost eighty of its old boys were present. Lots of remembrances were shared and a committee was also set up to form an association for the old boys.

    On 10th June 2008, the management of Imperial College was pleased to inform that an OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION has been set up and is registered under the name :"IMPERIAL COLLEGE OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION" with registration number: 10260

    List Of Members 2024


    HEAD BOY CUNNIAPEN Manervaalen Grade 13
    RAMJANE Raihaan Grade 11
    OBERLI Noah Grade 10
    RAMSAMY Kesaven Grade 9
    BHOLLAH Twayyib Grade 8
    MANJOO Ilyaas Grade 7

                              World Scholar's Cup - Mauritius Round


    “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it” - Albert Einstein.

       A new century

       A new society

       A new Mauritian agenda

    Imperial College is very honoured to host the WORLD SCHOLAR’s CUP – MAURITIUS ROUND as from 2017. The Mauritian youth has a huge potential which needs to be fully discovered and exploited. Our youngsters need, at a very early age, to be exposed to the new life challenges. This is one reason why Imperial College has pioneered the introduction of a great number of subjects in our curriculum. It is equally important for our young citizens to be at par with the world youth. This explains our venture in the World Scholar’s Cup. The WSC’s Cup - Mauritius round provides an equal opportunity to our young friends to develop their talents.

    Imperial College firmly wishes to welcome all the colleges in the Republic of Mauritius in the WSC’s Cup - Mauritius Round. Our 11-19 citizens need to prove and impose themselves. They represent the future of our society. They have to go global. We need new approaches and a new mindset.

    Imperial College is convinced that the Mauritius Round will be original and typical. Mauritius needs to mark this event and paves its way to the Annual Conference at Yale University.

    V.R. Boodhoo


    World Scholar's Cup - 2019 Mauritius Round - (16th - 17th April 2019)


    World Scholar's Cup Gallery

    For more information, visit the following website:

    World Scholar's Cup Website


    Extra Curriculum

    Extra curricular activies play a vital role in the academic development of students at Imperial College.


    Teaching is not confined to the books only, but also to extra-curricular activities. Every year the school, therefore organizes inter-class literary competitions including drama, elocution contest, debates, quiz and essay writing and offers certificates of participation to participants and prizes to winners. This has a positive effect on other students of the school.

    Inter-Class Competitions

    Side by side with inter-class competitions, pupils are motivated to participate in similar competitions at regional and national levels. As a result, Imperial College always has its participants at most of the competitions organized by governmental and non-governmental organisations like the Rotary Club, the MSPCA, the British Council and the like.

    Extra-curricular activities are not restricted only to the literary field but also to sports. Thus in various sports competitions, Imperial College has displayed a good performance.

    Quiz Competition and Debate

    At school level, debate and quiz competitions are organized thus enabling the pupils to manifest their hidden intellect and to bring their potential to the surface.

    At regional and national level, Imperial College has been regularly participating in different competitions namely debates, quiz, brain trust, drama, essay writing and project writing competitions organized by both governmental and non-governmental bodies. Very often our students have turned out to be victorious. They are given opportunities to visit exhibitions and forums.

    The MUN (Model United Nations) provides students to acquire experience of the functioning of the United Nations. It not only aims at making students acquire practical experience with decision-making but also helps in their training as diplomats and future leaders. Our students become more mature and tolerant while preparing for the Model United Nations project. This project was implemented in 1993 on a pilot basis. Since then, Imperial College has contributed by sending young participants to act as delegates and to represent a particular country. Our young delegates merge with other delegates where they are going to think on different issues assigned to them and work towards writing resolutions to find solutions for particular problems. MUN helps the youngsters in their capacity building and leadership skills necessary for survival. MUN is a project where the best participants are rewarded.

    French Competitions

    Des Chiffres et des Lettres was organized by the "Le Centre Culturel D'expression Française". The competition was held at the "L'Hotel de ville de Curepipe". Our students participated and they reached the stage of the quarter finals where they were outclassed by the Royal College of Curepipe.

    L'Alliance Française was organized by the "Le Centre Culturel - Belle Village". Students of the lower sections participated and we had the honour to select one candidate who obtained the 2nd place in the essay writing paper.

    Conference on Francophonie was organized by UOM and L'AMEF. Students had to attend a meeting with the Professor of the Canadian University. A clear explanation was given concerning the French society of Canada.

    Drama and Music Clubs

    Drama and music clubs have been set up at Imperial College since 1998. These have enabled students to show their aptitudes and abilities. For the last five years, the Music Day has been regularly organized. Our students always present interesting items. The latter participate actively in regional and national musical activities and drama competition in English, French, Hindi, and Creole.


    It is imperative that a responsible educational institution should give the opportunity to pupils to develop their latent faculties in the field of sports. At Imperial College, much importance is given to sports activities. To achieve this end, the administration has deemed it necessary to provide the necessary infrastructure and environment to the pupils. With this in view, it has set up a huge gymnasium which, besides being used for academic extra-curricular activities, lectures, conferences etc is also largely used for indoor sports activities. A spacious football playground, six volley-ball pitches, one basket-ball ground and one badminton court are also available to students. Sports activities reach the climax when the school organizes its cross country and its annual athletics day in which students participate vastly. Our students have regularly won sports trophies and shields.

    It is worth noting that at the national swimming competition, Ronny Venkatachellum who came out as the champion is a pupil of Imperial College. Fabrice Pithia and Fabien Pithia, who played for the national football team for the preliminaries of the African Cup of Nations this year, are students of Imperial College and are members of our school senior football team. Sarju Gowrisunkur, the national football coach won the intercolleges football tournament with our school in 1979. Besides, Stephan Buckland and Arnaud Casquette, world athletes, were former Imperial College students.



    Best Academic Performance - National Level

    • SC - Environmental Management: Gunesee A (1st)
    • SC - Travel & Tourism: Beegoo M F (7th)
    • SC - Commerce: Beegoo M F (1st)
    • AS - Law: Motur H (1st)
    • HSC - Law: Subron K (1st)


    National Athletics Meet 2012

    • Cadet (2nd)
    • 1000m Junior (1st)
    • Triple Jump Minim (2nd)
    • Overall Junior (2nd)


    • First LAUREATE of 2012 State of Mauritius Academic Merit and Social Criteria Scholarship: Sooklall Mamode Faraaz
    • He was ranked 7th in the State of Mauritius Scholarship Scheme Economics Side (Boys)

    Best Academic Performance - National Level


    Sports Activities

    • Handball National (4th)

    Best Academic Performance - National Level


    Sports Activities

    • Cross country Regional overall (1st)
    • National level Minim (2nd)
    • Cadet (1st)

    Best Academic Performance - National Level


    Sports Activities

    • Cross Country Regional
      • Benjamin - 1st
      • Minim - 1st
      • Cadet - 2nd
      • Overall - 1st

    • Athletic Regional
      • Benjamin - 1st
      • Minim - 1st
      • Cadet - 1st
      • Junior - 3rd
      • Overall - 1st

    • Athletic National
      • Benjamin - 2nd
      • Minim - 2nd

    • Mini-Volley Regional (1st)

    Best Academic Performance - National Level


    Sports Activities

    • Cross Country Regional
      • Benjamin - 2nd
      • Minim - 3rd
      • Cadet - 1st
      • Junior - 2nd
      • Overall - 1st

    • Cross Country National
      • Cadet - 2nd

    • Athletic Regional
      • Benjamin - 1st
      • Minim - 1st
      • Cadet - 1st
      • Overall - 1st



    Regional Cross Country - 2017


    - Sports Results

    - Athletic Results - Region 4

    - Athletic Results - National

    - Debate Competition Winner

    - 2nd Prize - Mauritius Marine Week Essay Competition 2018

    Elocution Contest - 2nd Winner

    • Kenny SAVRIMOOTOO – Grade 11 Sc 1

    Drama French: Special prize Actor under 15 years old

    • Jordan COULON - Grade 7 MR 1

    Short Story Writing : NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATIONS 2018 - 3rd Prize

    • Chetan DOOKHEE - GD 9 M 1
    • Jean ALLAS - GD 10 ECO 5



    • Benjamin - 2nd
    • Minim - 2nd
    • Cadet - 1st
    • Junior - 1st


  • Imperial College - 1st
  • Mauritius Top 500 Scholarship

  • CHINIAH Yogananda was ranked 276th in the Mauritius Top 500 Scholarship.
  • Home Biogas – Turning food waste to renewable energy

  • 4 students: A.Batoo, S.Chatooree, V.Moorith and T.Shibchurn participated in the Science Quest and the project was ‘Home Biogas – Turning food waste to renewable energy’. They got the 2nd prize and Rs 10 000 as cash prize.
  • Cross-country

  • Imperial College finished 1st for the cross-country competition organised by MSSSA at regional level. Our school won the overall championship in the categories namely Benjamin, Minim and Cadet.
  • National Drama Festival

  • 7 students participated in a play ‘Quiproquo’for the National Drama Festival. Fardeen Jummun was awarded the ‘Best Actor over 15’ and he got a cash prize of Rs 2000 from the Ministry of Arts and Culture.
  • Film competition

  • Around 20 students participated in a short film titled ‘Extra Grandnoir Jalebi’ and this film was awarded ‘Best Dialogue’.
  • Environment and Sustainable Development Competition for Grade 12 Students

    Imperial College won the second runner-up prize
    • BEEHARRY M.I. HUSAIN (Grade 12 Science 1)
    • KINOO ASHFAAQ.M (Grade 12 Science 1)
    • TRANQUILLE J. JOSEPH (Grade 12 Science 1)


    Mauritius Top 500 Scholarship

  • Willyard JEANNETON was ranked 310th in the Mauritius Top 500 Scholarship

  • 2021-2022

    Film competition

  • Participation of 23 students in a short film competition at National level organised by the Bhojpuri Speaking Union and the MDFC where they got the 2nd prize with a cash prize of Rs 25 000.
  • Innoved22

  • 3 students: J.Adeya, R.Beeharry and C.Nundloll from Grade 12, participated in Innoved22 titled ‘Wave Energy’ under the category of design where they won the 1st prize with a cash prize of Rs 20 000.

  • 2023

    Essay Competition 2023 organised by Ministry of Environment

  • Student Dhairyash CHINIAH - Grade 10 has ranked 1st position in the educational zone 3
  • Cambridge learner awards

  • Student Ronit BEEHARRY has received an outstanding cambridge learner awards 2022 in Marine Science High Achievement AS Level Oct/Nov Exams 2022 ..... Click here to view image

  • Second laureate of the Additional Scholarships Scheme Mauritius based on Merit and Social Criteria: Parvesh Kumar SEEBURN
  • He was ranked 182th in the Mauritius Top 500 Scholarship
  • 6th edition of the Inter College Film Competition

  • Christopher TOUCHE won the 2nd prize for the category of best actor under 15 years. The short film produced was entitled ‘Le Maya’ revolved around the theme ‘Lamour pou l’anvironman’.
  • Slam Competition for Grade 12

  • Andy CAROOPPUNNEN won the 2nd prize. The Slam Competition for Grade 12 students was organised by the Rotary Club of Curepipe and the theme was ‘War in Ukraine’.
  • Quiz Competition

  • Chiniah D and Gookool V from Grade 10 participated in a Quiz competition which was organised by the Rotary Club of Curepipe. The two students got the 2nd prize as 1st runner-up.
  • Student-led project

  • There was a student-led project on ‘The impact of climate change on the Rights of Children’ organized by the Ombudsperson for Children. BEESOON. M, BHUNDOO. A, LAZARRE. R, MOHUNDIN. J and MODEST. E of Grade 10 won the 3rd prize.
  • Eco-schools International Green Flag Award

  • Imperial College has proudly won the Eco-schools International Green Flag Award. Amongst the 137 schools who participated in Mauritius, Imperial College formed part in the 48 winners. The green flag award is valid till 2025.



    • Imperial Trochetia Environmental Club

    • Aims Of Imperial Trochetia Environmental Club

      The aim of the club is to raise awareness of the relationship between human actions and our environment, with an emphasis on educating and empowering the school community. We also help to instil a sense of responsibility and a personal commitment to protect and preserve the environment.

      Objectives Of Imperial Trochetia Environmental Club

      The ITEC activities can help the teachers and students to meet the objectives of environmental education, which are as follows:

      • Reusing old materials to create innovative products and gifts (upcycling).
      • Organising debate and quiz on environmental issues
      • Promoting the sale of plants to encourage the school community to go green.
      • Sensitizing the students to minimize the use of plastic bags, not to throw them in public places.
      • Motivating the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation of trees.
      • Promoting conservation of water by minimizing the use of water.
      • Conducting mural painting to sensitize the citizens on environmental sustainability

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mrs N.Jugnarain-Bagojee President
      2 Mr F.Massoudy Vice-President
      3 Mr A.Y Erriah Treasurer
      4 Mrs P.Ramcharun- Haulkhory Vice Treasurer
      5 Ms L.Mudun Secretary
      6 Mrs G.Ramlugun SoobrahVice-Secretary
      7Mr Y.Moorooteea Member
      8 Ms S.Thomas Member
      9 Mr R.Rohee Member
      10 Mrs U.D. Lutchmun- Pursun Member
      11 Mr O.St FlourMember
      12Mr A.LuckahMember
      13 Mrs R.MolooMember
      14 Mrs MohunMember

    • Club de théâtre

    • " Le théâtre est une tribune. Le théâtre est une chaire. Le théâtre parle fort et parle haut." Victor Hugo.

      Les buts du théâtre

      • Le théâtre permet aux jeunes de s'exprimer sur un sujet choisi par eux, de participer à une activité communautaire qui favorise le développement d'estime de soi et de confiance en soi.

      Liste Des Membres 2025
      SNNoms Profil
      1 Mlle Y.Seydial Présidente
      2 Mme N.Seetaloo Secrétaire
      3 Mme T.Sk-Heerah Membre
      4 Mons Q.Balisson Membre
      5 Mme F.Toofany Membre
      6Mlle J.Mathiah Membre
      7Mlle Towsee Membre
      8 Mons Murden Membre
      9 Mme R.Moloo Membre
      10 Mme N.Goornaden Membre
      11Mons K.Haulkhory Membre
      12 Mme Tiwari Membre

    • Imperial College Charity Club

    • Aims and Objectives

      • To provide students with the opportunity to learn more about their surroundings, participate in service projects at school and in the community.
      • To provide help to charitable institutions.
      • To provide school materials to the needy students of Imperial College.
      • To organize outings for the benefit of students of Imperial College.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mr O. St Flour President
      2 Mr M. Dhondee Vice-President
      3 Mr K. Narsoo Treasurer
      4 Mr Y. Moorooteea Asst. Treasurer
      5 Mrs N. Ramkorun Secretary
      6 Mrs V.K Ramlugun Asst. Secretary
      7 Mrs R. Paupiah Member
      8 Ms Z. Chummun Member
      9 Mrs A. Tiwari Member
      10 Mrs N. Jaulim-Casmally Member
      11 Mrs R. Moloo Member
      12 Ms V. Boodhoo Member

    • ICT Club

    • Information and communication technology has brought many changes in our lives during the recent years. It has transformed activities as basic as how we work, communicate with each other, treat illnesses, travel, shop and enjoy our leisure time. The pace of change shows no sign of slowing: indeed, the development of ICT and its applications to areas such as education, are continuing at even faster rates than heretofore. In a relatively short period of time, ICT skills have become as fundamental to living a full life as being able to read, write and compute.

      Aims and Objectives

      • To provide students greater access to the things that they are entitled to being in a technology conscious school.
      • To provide students with the opportunity to learn more about the field of information technology and to network with people working in the IT field by gaining information through field trips and guest speakers, exploring employment opportunities and job requirements, and participating in events.
      • To promote IT as an effective tool and make new discoveries in the field of computer science with a high standard of ethics.
      • To give students the opportunity to use technology in ways that they might not be able to during their regular ICT sessions.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mr O. St Flour President
      2 Mr H. Beessessur Member
      3Mrs M. Ramautar Member
      4Ms S. Savurimuthu Member
      5Mr S. Ragaven Member

    • Imperial College P.T.A

    • List Of Executive Members For Imperial College P.T.A 2025
      PRESIDENT Mr R. Dip
      VICE PRESIDENT Mr N. Busjeet
      SECRETARY Mr R. Jugmohun
      TREASURER Mr A. Bagha
      Mr T. Narain
      Mrs R. Valaydon
      Mr Y. Aminel
      Mr D. Seeburrun
      Mrs S. Boodhoo
      Mr M. Lallbeeharry
      AUDITOR Mrs P. Moothen
      AUDITOR Mr R. Rohee

    • Imperial College UNESCO Club

    • Aims and Objectives

      • To promote and facilitate extra-curricular and co-curricular activities by focusing on UNESCO major programs, such as World Heritage, National Heritage, Inter-cultural Dialogue, Promotion of culture of Peace, UN Sustainable Development Goals, sharing and solidarity and many more that goes in line with the spirit of UNESCO.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mr N. Busjeet President
      2 Mr D. Seeburrun Vice President
      3 Mr A.Bagha Treasurer
      4 Mr R.Jugmohun Asst. Treasurer
      5 Mr U.Khoosy Secretary
      6 Ms D.Bheergoonath Asst. Secretary
      7 Mr M.Lallbeeharry Member
      8Mr O. St Flour Member
      9Mr G. Poonet Member
      10 Mrs H. Appiah Member
      11 Ms Z. Chummun Member
      12 Ms A. Toofany Member
      13 Mrs R.Moloo Member

    • Imperial Innovation Club

    • Aims and Objectives

      • Create an environment where members are encouraged to think outside the box, take risks, and explore new ideas. Every year we participate in the project InnovEd organised by NPCC.
      • Provide a platform for students from different subject areas to work together on projects, share knowledge, and learn from each other.
      • Create a supportive community where members can share their successes and failures, learn from each other, and receive encouragement and support when needed.
      • To inspire and empower students to become innovators and entrepreneurs, who can make a positive impact on society.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mrs. V. RAMLUGUN President
      2 Mr. Y. ERRIAH Vice-President
      3 Mr. Y. MOOROOTEEA Treasurer
      4 Mr K. NARSOO Asst. Treasurer
      5 Ms. BOODRAM Secretary
      6 Mrs Balluck-Moolye Asst. Secretary
      7 Mr. G. POONET Member
      8 Mr. SAYPERMAL Member

    • Imperial College Health Club

    • Aims and Objectives

      • To promote the health of the youngsters.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mr R. PYNEEANDEE President
      2 Mr G. HASSEEA Vice-President
      3 Mr S. REEDOYE Secretary
      4 Mr B. DABOO Asst. Secretary
      5 Mr A. ROUGET Treasurer
      6 Mr E. MOUTOU Member
      7Mr J. BOKHOREE Member
      8Mr E. MOUTOU Member
      9 Mr J. SOK APPADU Member
      10Mr H. MANAN Member
      11Mr L. MOORGAWA Member

    • Imperial College Science Club

    • Aims and Objectives

      • ..

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1 Mr S. Jolicoeur President
      2Mr J. Mohundin Vice-President
      3 Mr R. Vencatasamy Treasurer
      4 Mr J. Sok Appadu Asst. Treasurer
      5 Mr P. Pem Secretary
      6 Mr S. Syed Hossen Asst. Secretary
      7 Mr Y. Naika Member
      8 Ms M. Pem Member
      9 Mr Y. Erriah Member
      10 Mr M. Raghoober Member

    • Economics and Business Society

    • Aims and Objectives

      • The aim of the Economics and Business Society is to share information and explore Economics both at national and international Level. The club will also bring together students to discuss, analyse and interpret economic data as well as policies. This will enhance the understanding of economic and business issues and aid the learners to relate to the real world.

      List Of Members 2025
      SNNAME Profile
      1Mrs Luchmun Pursun President
      2Mrs Balluck Moolye Secretary
      3Ms Goonoo Asst. Secretary
      4Mr Seeburrun Member
      5 Mrs Moongah Heeramun Member
      6 Mr Narsoo Member